PinnedThe youth of today are great!I find it hard to understand those who complain about ‘the youth of today’. So many portray them as lazy, flighty, selfish and…Feb 8, 202210Feb 8, 202210
Starting 3D Printing as a HobbyI’d thought for a long time that 3D printing was something that I would like to get into. For most of my hobbies like this I like to build…Feb 16, 20221Feb 16, 20221
A plague of ‘hacks’I wonder why there are so many stories with the title ‘hack’ in social media these days. It’s an odd phenomenon that to be honest is…Feb 10, 20221Feb 10, 20221
Why Hobbies ?I’ve been giving some thought to the question of hobbies. What are they, why do them, what hobbies are interesting, how much time should…Feb 3, 20225Feb 3, 20225
Remote forwarding using SSHSSH port forwarding and chains to access IoT and cloud.Jan 6, 20222Jan 6, 20222
Securing remote access with a Jumpserver in 10 stepsSecure Remote access for IoTJan 3, 2022Jan 3, 2022